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Showing posts from 2009

Front Row Seats to the Saigon Ballet

Entrée Typical Saigon traffic On a cool Saigon night, the corps de ballet lines up behind me. Five wide and three deep, they wait for the light to change. To my left, a trendy Vietnamese teen rides her vintage Vespa. To my right, a smartly clad office worker in a business suit sits atop her gleaming new Yamaha Nouvo. These, my lead ballerinas , stand with me at the front of the corps . As the red light counts down, the dancers rev their engines in anticipation. Green light and the dancers all pounce forward in a grand jeté . The wind blows in my face as I savor the beauty of the dance. Ahead, a pedestrian blocks our way - a rock in the stream - but we adjust without the slightest hesitation. I weave right. Vespa girl weaves left. As my alley approaches and I prepare for my coda , I look to my right and give a small nod to Yamaha girl - great performance, see you again at the 7 o'clock show . She looks at me as though I'm crazy. And... she's right. I am completely and ho...